Bitch session about family

I’m about at my wits end.  I love my niece, I love her to death.  She’s in her terrible, horrible un-tameable twos.  I really resent my sister for not bringing her up better.  For not teaching her to not throw fits, for giving her who knows how much candy and then making me put her to bed.  I HATE my sister for being a slut and getting pregnant again.  I’m not a mom and I don’t want to be one – especially not now.  I don’t want to take care of a kid.  I don’t have the patience to deal with the “no!” and “I don’t wanna” and the crying.  My fucking god.  I’m going to kill someone.  I should not have to do this if it isn’t mine.  How much fucking longer is this going to last?


  1. donna Said:

    I hate to break it to you, but three is waaaaaay worse than two. More attitude, more ability to express themselves and more desire to exert control over their environment.

    But I understand what you mean. I am not a fan of how my brother and his wife are raising their kids. It’s such a weird position to be in because my kid will be raised around them and I feel like I’m going to have undo some of the damage done by them.


  2. Allison Said:

    I’ve had the same problem with one of my nieces. Trust me, they do eventually grow out of it. But not until after you’re completely wiped devoid of all sanity.

    I feel your pain except I don’t have a sister to hate for it. But sometimes I hate my brothers.

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